What Is Commitment In Marriage?Commitment is a sense of duty that brings happiness to a marriage and helps to bind the marriage together. A couple may remain committed to their marriage because of their children or because of a duty they feel towards their Almighty creator. Certainly, such motives are admirable and will help a marriage survive difficult times. But to be truly happy, marriage mates need to feel more than just a sense of obligation to each other.
Commitment can therefore be likened to the mortar that binds the bricks of a sturdy house. Mortar is made from a combination of sand, cement and water. Similarly, commitment is formed from a combination of such factors such as duty, trust and friendship. Such a bond built on these three factors can not be easily broken.
What Are The Challenges In Marriage?
Commitment requires hard work and self sacrifice. It demands that you will be willing to forgo your own preferences in order to please your mate. Only a few selfish people can maintain their marriage because of poor or lack of sacrifice. Without commitment, a relationship will sour no matter how sweet the romantic feeling were when the couples first fell in love. Unfortunately, even marriage mate who normally are unselfish do not always acknowledge each others anxieties or value their mate’s sacrifices. When a couple fail to show appreciation to each other, their marriage is bond to cause them more.
How To Strengthen Commitment In Marriage
Make Your Marriage A Priority
A man should honour his wife and a wife should respect her husband and take him as the head of the family no matter if she is the bread winner. Usually, the more important an endeavour, the more time spent on it. This means that you should spend much time with your mate. Do specific things to reassure him or her that you are still good friends. This will ensure your mate that you are still committed to the union.
Avoid All Forms Of Infidelity
Think back how you would have felt if your boyfriend or girlfriend was having sexual intercourse with another person. I know it is very bitter and hard to bear. How then will you feel if your husband or wife is involved in such an act? Infidelity in marriage is the worst blow to the union, one that can give the grounds for divorce.
Has your heart fooled you? Ask you self; To whom am I most attentive to – my spouse or some other member of the opposite sex? To whom do I share good news first – my spouse or someone else?
If you find yourself attracted to someone other than your mate, limit your contact with that one to only what is necessary and keep all encounters on a purely professional level. Do not focus on ways on way in which you think this person is superior to your mate. Instead focus on your mate’s positive qualities. Recall the reasons why you fell in love with your mate. Ask yourself, ‘has your mate really lost these qualities or I have I become blind to the due to circumstances?’
Also ask yourself , ‘what activities could I cut back on to allow more time for my mate, and what could I do to assure my mate that I am committed to the marriage?’